Featured in: Dehancer Pro
Dust, hair, scratches, stains, and emulsion irregularities damage inevitably appear on film. Natural ‘dirt’ enhances the impression.
1. Film Damage Profiles
We have created profiles of the most characteristic defects for the four major film formats. The smaller the film format, the greater the scale of the artifacts relative to the frame size and the more frequently they appear. In order to change the parameters of any profile, you must first select the most suitable one and then switch to Custom mode. All the usual effect settings will be available to you, and the parameter values will match the last selected profile.
Custom settings
The Custom settings allow you to configure Film Damage as you like. Film Damage tool consists of several modules, each responsible for a different type of artifact:
2. Dust
Dust Amount
The total number of dust particles that can be present within the frame at the same time.
The parameter sets the scale of dust, i.e., the single coefficient of magnification for all particles.
Size Balance
The Size Balance slider adjusts the ratio between artifacts of different sizes. At the minimum value only the smallest particles are added, at the maximum – the largest ones, and in the middle position – about the same amount of dust of different sizes.
The White-Black parameter adjusts the quantitative ratio between light and dark artifacts. In the leftmost position only light particles will appear, in the rightmost position – the dark ones, and in the middle position both light and dark particles will appear equally.
Dust Enabled
The Dust Enabled checkbox turns dust on or off completely.
3. Hairs
Hairs Amount
The total number of hairs that can be present within the frame at the same time. Scale The parameter sets the scale of hairs, i.e., the single coefficient of magnification for all particles.
Size Balance
The Size Balance slider adjusts the ratio between hairs of different sizes. At the minimum value only the smallest hairs are added, at the maximum – the largest ones, and in the middle position – about the same amount of hairs of different size.
This parameter adjusts the quantitative ratio between light and dark artifacts.
Hairs Enabled
The Hairs Enabled checkbox turns hairs on or off completely.
4. Scratches
Scratches Amount
The total number of scratches that can be present within the frame at the same time.
The parameter sets the magnification of all scratches relative to the frame size.
Size Balance
Size Balance adjusts the ratio between large and small scratches.
Depending on which stage of the film production the scratches appeared, they may be dark or light. The ratio between them can be adjusted with the White-Black parameter. Scratches Enabled The Scratches Enabled checkbox turns scratches on or off completely.
5. Global Settings
Total Amount
You can use the Total Amount slider to decrease or increase the total amount of all artifacts within the frame, with no need to reconfigure each type individually.
Global Period
The defect areas on film are irregular along its length.
The Global Period parameter controls how often artifacts appear. The smaller the value, the more evenly the defects are distributed along the length of the roll.
When Global Period = 1, the amount of dirt between neighboring frames will be almost the same. When Period is increased, the areas with the maximum and minimum amount of artifacts will be more extended.
Global Opacity
Global Opacity allows you to adjust the total transparency of the effect, to make it more or less noticeable. This parameter doesn’t affect the number of artifacts, but only their visual density.
Global Chromaticity
Dirt particles affect the light flow, and their transparency, thickness, distance from the film surface, depth of damage and other factors determine the affected emulsion layers and their exposure.
When transparency is reduced, light artifacts visually take on a bluish hue, while dark artifacts, on the contrary, appear warmer.
The Global Chromaticity parameter adjusts the overall saturation. When it is set to minimum, artifacts become pure black and white, regardless of their transparency.
Related Article: Dehancer Film Damage