💡 Update
There are 2 print profiles available in Dehancer:
- Kodak Vision Color Print Film 2383
- Fujicolor Positive Film Eterna-CP 3513DI
Dehancer OFX 5.0.0 update brings many improvements. Among the most anticipated – the ability to “print” on the print film Kodak Vision 2383.
Film printing is the last technical stage of the analogue movie production. As a result, we get a film print that can either be shown directly on the screen using a film projector or scanned and then used for the digital delivery. With digital color grading workflow, print emulation of Kodak 2383 is also often used as the last stage of processing.
In this article, we will provide the necessary clarification on how the updated Print tool is built into the processing chain inside Dehancer, and how it is consistent with our concept of using photo paper to build film profiles.
It is important to understand that the only analogue way of interpreting negative films is optical printing.
Scanning the negatives always involves internal software algorithms and digital processing profiles, focused on obtaining a ‘ready to use’ image, and not on faithfully reproducing the color-contrast characteristics of the original film sample.
That’s why we believe that when sampling negatives, it is fundamentally important to exclude the use of a scanner.
This can only be done using optical printing. For example:
- Optical printing of a negative on photo paper
- Optical printing of a negative onto print-film
At the same time, any print medium has its own color-contrast characteristics (tint, photo latitude, contrast curve). Hence, in order to obtain the ‘pure’ sample of the negative itself, it is necessary to compensate for the characteristics of the print medium itself.
Accordingly, for the interpretation of a negative film, it is not important which kind of print medium is used, because its influence will be instrumentally measured and compensated at the next stage. The analog sampling method itself is of fundamental importance. For that any optical printing can be used.
In Dehancer, we print negatives on photo paper, which makes it more convenient and reliable from the technological base point of view. In our own full-cycle lab and darkroom, we visually and instrumentally control all the processes of development and printing, and are confident in their accuracy.
The accuracy of the analog sampling largely depends on a method of instrumental measurement and the mathematical model to compensate for the influence of print media characteristics.
n all versions of Dehancer, starting from the first one, the print medium is subtracted quite accurately. However, in the latest version of Dehancer we managed to make the mathematical model even more precise.
As a result, inside Dehancer we get ‘clean’ profiles of the original negative films, correctly interpreted, without the influence of photographic paper. This means that it becomes possible to ‘print’ these films on any other print medium, in particular, on Kodak Vision Color Print Film 2383.

In the latest version of Dehancer OFX 5.0.0, in the Print parameter group, we have added a choice of the print mediums:
- Linear
The characteristics of the print medium are not applied. Only a ‘pure’ profile of the selected film is used, without the influence of the characteristics of photographic paper. This parameter is used by default. It is similar to the the way film profiles worked in all previous Dehancer versions, including the very first one. - Cineon Film Log
Film, selected in the Film group, is ‘printed’ into Cineon film scan format. For example, if you are using Kodak Vision 3 250D negative film and Cineon Film Log printing, the Dehancer output will be Cineon-scanned imitation of 250D. This parameter makes it possible to ‘print’ our negatives outside Dehancer, in additional nodes after it, if it is required for whatever reason. For example, to prepare a file for printing on Arrilaser or other film printer. - Kodak 2383 Print Film
Film, selected in the Film group, is ‘printed’ onto Kodak Vision Color Print Film 2383. - Kodak Endura Glossy Paper
Film, selected in the Film group, is ‘printed’ onto Kodak Endura Premier Glossy Paper. In the previous versions of Dehancer, it was not possible to obtain this print option, because before this print medium characteristics were subtracted from a film profile.
When you select Kodak 2383 Print Film, the Target White option becomes active, which allows you to smoothly change the temperature of the light source during printing in the 5500-6500 K range.
Also, in Dehancer 5.0.0, the Cineon Film Log option appeared in the Input group. This option of the source interpretation is designed for the color grading of the film scans provided in the low-contrast Cineon Film Log gamut.
For example, you can print Kodak Vision 3 500T film (or any other film) onto 2383 print film or Kodak photo paper.
It also allows you to use the entire Dehancer toolkit for correcting film scans. For example, to adjust the white balance using the ‘analogue’ Color Head tool or to change the exposure/contrast using the corresponding tools in the Print group.
Hence starting from its fifth version, Dehancer OFX acquires the Printer Lights functionality and becomes an advanced product for working with any kind of source materials – both with analog and digital origin.
Authors: © Denis Svinarchuk, © Pavel Kosenko, © Dmitry Novak